
Is it Thursday yet?

Hi blog readers.

I like gloves.  They keep my fingers warm.  I especially like them when it is cold in the morning on my way to work.  They keep my fingers warm when my whole body wants to shiver into oblivion.  I heard that it is supposed to get even colder in these parts this week.  Can I just say that I am done with winter?  I think winter is nice for about two days and then I am usually done with it.  I really should make the move to Hawaii.

I also like ice cream sandwiches.  I like ice cream sandwiches from Smart Cookie.  I like ice cream cookies even when it is cold outside.  Ice cream cookies remind me of summer and the treats associated with summer.  Is it summer yet?

I also like lunch time.  Lunch time is special time at our school.  I like when the conversation at lunch gets inappropriate.  Today, one of our teachers paused in the middle of a sentence that started like this: "The prostitutes were great..."  I almost spit water all over everybody at my table.  She then finished the sentence but I have no clue what she said.  All I remember is thinking about how she knew the prostitutes were great!  Bad Alice; Hilarious Family and Consumer Science Teacher!

I like my new classes. My new classes are small.  My new classes don't know what to expect, so they are nice.  I wish my new classes would stay this way forever, but I know they won't.  

Well, I like to sleep too and I must go do that after getting clean.  Smelly after exercising Alice needs to bathe.

Happy Tuesday and smile a little...it looks good on you! :)