

That is how many words my novel has. Today was not an easy day to write. I think these 1700 words will be not so good. Oh well. The program is all about quantity not quality so I am okay.

I am tired. I hate Mondays. Time seems to be dragging right this minute. Is it Friday yet?

Did I tell you that I am coaching Girls Basketball at our school this year. We haven't had a team in about three years and I haven't coached in more than that. It is weird to coach. I must be getting old because I am not that excited about it. In fact, I am frustrated with how much time it takes. Me time, free time is sacrificed. Oh well. We will see if they are competitive or not. I forget how little skills the girls from our school have when it comes to basketball.

That is pretty much it. I had some good dinner with friends tonight. Pork chops, potatoes and pie. You should always have alliteration when you eat!