
Made it Monday and Trendy Tuesday.

Here are some pics of Valentine's Day. Today I did not take any pictures, but I will share with you a funny quote. Let me just go through the pics.

At faculty meeting on Monday, we talked about our social studies department and how they are teaching social skills including respect to their classes. We found it funny that the teacher in charge actually stole the respect sign from a different teacher without asking. Hmmmm. The quote of the day from the meeting was this: "If kids are not doing what they should be during testing, they will be brought to the office and executed." I think our Vice Principal had a Freudian Slip!

My Leadership Class loved their Valentine's party. We had some amazing treats. A few of the kids brought stuff in and my intern(she is from Utah Valley University and is just checking out the teaching profession.) brought cheesecake and soda. I loved it and was in heaven for thirty seconds as I ate my donut.

One of my co-workers gave me that card. Sorry it is sideways but I love the saying which reads: "Who wants a beau anyway." I think that is the most depressing card ever and I LOVE IT! It just made me smile.

The weather was great yesterday and I had a fabulous run outside. I even spoke to those sheep and some ducks along my route.

Today was a nice day too. Went really fast. I like that. My friend Jane was joking around after I had mentioned something about covering my own butt for sub planning and she said: "No you can't cover that, they need access to it." This because I will be having a colonoscopy on Friday. Mom, DO NOT WORRY. Just checking things out. Want to make sure there isn't anything weird going on in there. I am thinking it is just weird IBS stuff, but better to have it checked out, right?