
It's All About The Food!

A goal of mine this summer was to lose some weight. It hasn't happened. There is just such good food here in Wisconsin. Last night, some friends and I got together for some amazing food at The Wausau Mine Company. They have wonderful food. My favorite thing is the Italian Fries with their special sauce. SO YUMMY(see pic). Then we had a pizza. Cheesed out, that is for sure. It was a good meal.

After eating, we headed over to Sunnyvale Park(that is where we play softball every Tuesday night) and watched some Men's games. It was fun, even if it rained a bit while we were there. I love the rain btw! There was an amazing sunset, which just made the end of the day spectacular. I am so glad I have great friends here to play with in the summers.

Well, I am off to play softball. Hopefully no knuckleheads will slide into first like they did last week. My knee is a little hurt. Don't tell my mother. Oh wait, she will probably read it on here and be worried. Sorry mom!