
April Showers.....Bring May Flowers....or in this case April Flowers!

Well, here are some pictures from my flower garden. I actually planted these flowers last fall. It is very nice to enjoy them in the spring. Flowers always make me happy. Melanie, my roommate, finds it soothing to weed them. I am so nice that I let her(even if I do hate to weed, it is a nice thing to let her do it, right?). The garden consists of a few other bunches of these crocuses and some bunches of tulips. The tulips are growing, but not blooming yet. More pictures to come, of course!

Today was the first day of spring break. I love spring break. My friend, Janette, who also happens to be a teacher at Independence, and I went to Park City today. After about four hours of shopping I came back with a new pair of shoes, a new jacket, a new pair of shorts, and a few new shirts. Good times. We go on a trip to Park City about twice a year. The bargains keep us going back frequently. It is where I get all of my PE clothes.

Have I mentioned my addiction to the TV show "The Office?" I am addicted. It is bad. My roommates and I rent it all the time on DVD. Last night, Mary Beth and I tried to get it at Blockbuster because I have an online subscription, but it was not there. So again, I had to go somewhere else and actually pay money for it. Tragic. It was also was tragic that I was the only one who could stay up late to watch more episodes. I just could not get my roommates to watch more episodes. Sad that they have to go to work this week and can't party with me. We are excited for a new episode to be on Thursday night! Woo Hoo!

My allergies are pretty bad right now. It is crazy, because I never get allergies out here in Utah. Dang Global Warming. I am just going to start blaming all of my problems on Global Warming. I am sure that is why prince charming has not found me yet. It is also why all the idiots I have dated are so clueless. I won't vent too much. One of my friends wanted to get my a license plate holder that said "Romeo, Romeo where the hell are you?," that is pretty much how I feel these days. SIGH!

Well, I am kinda at a loss for words which is surprising, I know, but I will now wrap this up. Have a great day and enjoy the spring flowers because they do not last long. Cherish each and every moment for they do not last long either! Live, Laugh, Love as my sister always says.


1 comment:

Mel said...

Hi Alice
I was just thinking about you today as I was writing in that suede purple journal you gave me and the I got an email from you! It sounds like you are doing great. Check out our blog when you get a chance