
Do NOT eat Moldy Bread!!!

Well, It is half way through the week. I am tired. Usually, during the year, I feel this tired on Fridays. Today is just a special day I guess. My students were actually hilarious today and the day seemed to go really smooth. I like days like that. They are funny, even if they are a little hyper with the end being so near. It always helps for me to have a good sense of humor with them to keep them on their toes. The only thing I can remember from today was a girl telling me that there were bugs on the gym floor(she said it as if it were my fault and very gross!). I told her that it was merely my Aunt Rita and she thought it was funny...but silly. They do react well to my silliness!

The weekend was good. I think I blogged about it already. The pictures on here today are of my trip to Village Inn with my friends. Ben Gale, his brother Joseph and my roommate Mary Beth. Those Gale boys are so hilarious. Joseph found it very important to pose with the three hot chocolates he drank. Fun times.

I have been even more excited about my tulips the past few days. Some pink ones finally blossomed so they are not just only white anymore. That is exciting. So, I will have to take more pictures of they for your viewing pleasure.

Tonight, I went for a walk with Mary Beth and then went to ice cream with some friends from church. It was 31 cent scoops at Baskin Robins today. I had cookie dough and chocolate mousse. Good stuff. My friend, Sarah, even paid the 62 cent for it. My friends are good to me. I also had an allergic reaction to something I ate for dinner. It might have been the bread because I noticed a little bit of mold on it. But did that stop me from eating it, no. I am not smart sometimes. Anyway, apparently I am also allergic to mold, not just to peanuts anymore. Weird adult onset allergies. Luckily, the anti-histamine made the itchiness go away.

I also was able to ride my bike to school today. I have kinda been lazy when it comes to that. I was sad to put on some of my shorts today and have them not fit so well. Breaking my leg made me gain a bit of weight. I guess I am just going to have to pedal more! There will be plenty of time for that this summer!

Well, I am a bit wordless. I hope all is going well for each of you. I also hope you are taking moments to stop and smell the roses. Spring is short! Later!

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