
Summer, Here I come! :) Oh yeah...and Vegas too!

Well, the kids made it! A picture of some of our fine graduates from Independence High in Provo, Utah. I love graduation night and really look forward to it every year. Seeing them on there big day is a very big deal. I love it!

The next day we had yearbook signing. It is always a fun occasion too. One kid was even brave enough to write in my yearbook that I was a "Kickass Teacher!" I like that they can be honest with me and feel comfortable with me, that means I am doing my job. Yearbook signing was bitter sweet this year because my friend, Michelle, is not going to teach at IHS anymore. She is having a baby boy in August and is going to be a mom(The other picture is of her and I). I am way excited for her, but will miss her a lot. I guess in life we have to always have goodbyes along with our hellos. Makes life interesting.

I am about to start my drive to Las Vegas to pick up my friend, Marla. We are going to spend a few days in Vegas and see the sights. I am not excited about the drive but I am sure Marla and I will have a blast together in Vegas! We are staying at the Tropicana in a Garden Room. Sounds exotic...we figured we won't be seeing too much of the room so we got the best deal. I love my road trips with Marla and hanging out in Vegas will be fun. All I know is that I have to find the Elvis sunglasses I didn't buy the last time I was in Vegas.

I better get on the road so Marla doesn't have to be stranded at the airport. Hopefully, I will be able to blog here and there along the trip. So, keep checking in! You all rock...you my loyal readers that is! :)

Viva Las Vegas.
Koehne Out!

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