
The Lasts of Summer!

Well, the summer is coming to a quick end. It is weird to have so many lasts as I get ready to leave on Monday. Tonight my mom and I went to The Claridge and had our last trivia fix. It was very fun because we didn't get there until late so we were there when it was kinda dead. We were able to talk to the bartender for a while and she is a very neat girl. I like the people of Rhinelander. We also played with Jim, who has been my biggest competitor this summer. It was good to be there again with him.

This week has been busy and fun. Today, I went and visited with Marla and Kim. Marla had a little picnic for us to all gather at. The pictures of Ty and Jesse come from that. I love that kid. Jesse tried not to get in the pictures but he just wasn't trying hard enough! It is always hard to say goodbye to all my friends here.

I took my nephew, Kristofer, to a Milwaukee Brewers game. Such a good time. I was reminded of how much I love live baseball. It was a good game even though the Brewers lost. It was pretty close up until the end. We had a major adventure after the game because we almost ran out of gas. Only .28 gallons were left in the tank. I was so worried we were going to run out in the middle of a bad part of Milwaukee. Kris took it well; I was freaking out! Glad we got some. I got to spend a little time with my sister in Madison when I took Kris back. I sure do love my family members...again it was hard to say goodbye!

Tuesday we had an awesome softball game. We were down by a lot 11-18 going into the last inning...but we came back to within one. Unfortunately, we still lost 17-18, but it was the best lost I have ever had. It actually felt like we had won. Amazing. Great way to finish the season. It was also hard to say goodbye to all my good teammates!

The wedding last week was an adventure. It was so good to see my family members at the party. My aunts and uncles are all so very fun to talk to. I enjoyed having a fancy dinner with them and their humor. My cousin Corey had a good time and it was a good wedding. Glad I was able to get to it. Seeing my Grandma Rita was a very good thing too. She is one of my favorite people on the planet. Good stuff.

I will be traveling to Des Moines, IA to see my brother on Monday. Tuesday, I will be in Kansas to see my friend, Morgan's, new baby. Then I will stay somewhere in Colorado on Wednesday and hit Provo on Thursday. Road trips rock! Okay, so this one is long when I am alone but it will be good to see people!

I hope everybody is great and that the state of Utah is ready to have me back...because even if it isn't....here I come!


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