
Walk Among Pumpkins. You will Enjoy it!

Well, I went to my tenth consecutive Pumpkin Walk up in North Logan this past weekend. It was spectacular, as always. It was really warm though which was very different for the Pumpkin Walk and Logan in general. It is okay though because the next morning it was very cold and rainy. That was more like the Logan I know. It was fun to go up with friends and then eat some fantastic pizza and then stay in a mediocre hotel. Very good times. It was also nice of my wonderful friends to humor me and allow me to walk around the campus going down memory lane. Thanks ladies, especially for braving the weather!

This week is good so far. I am doing social experiments which is always a good way to not be bored. This time is has to do with online dating. Okay, so often my social experiments have to do with online dating, but this one is a good one. I have decided that basically no means is helping me get dates. Not my church ward, not the grocery store, not the internet. So, I decided to change some variables. I decided that I will write at least one young available close proximity male each day. So far, I am on day two. I have already gotten one response. We will see if this social experiment will yield any dates. Today, I also changed another variable. I decided that sometimes it is okay to ask men out. I did so tonight and I have a date for tomorrow night. Of course, I am going to hell for it because I just remembered(about an hour after scheduling the date) that I am supposed to be at a training meeting for church. At this point in my life and still being single, I decided that the date must go on. This is important too. But I am still probably going to hell for it.

I just found the book I wish I had written. It is a book about sports specifically aimed at educating women about sports. Hello, this is probably part of my life's calling. I am very mad at the author for stealing my idea before I even had it. Shame on her. Anyway, I think I am going to read it to get my ideas for the better book that I will write in the future! I also have three other sports books next to me that are waiting to be checked out from the library. I think I am a sports nut or something. Hmmm.

Note on eighth hour. Last week, during class, one of the students said: "Alice, you totally should blog about this!" So very funny. Also, a note about T-Roy. Yesterday I wrote a note to him on the whiteboard under where I give the students their writing prompts. It said something along the lines of: Yes, T-Roy, you always should write a full paragraph. The sad part was that T-Roy was absent yesterday. Good thing about today though was that T-Roy was there and I wrote this: "Yes, T-Roy, you didn't learn about the 5 areas yesterday, you were not here. So, write about your closest friend instead." It was so very funny when Troy said "Hey, I wasn't here yesterday" and I was able to point him to the board to read his own personal message. Stellar moment!

Well, sorry it has been a long dry spell for my blog. I promise to do better. Enjoy the pictures from the Pumpkin Walk. I love this time of year and that event is one of my favorite things to do during the Fall. Also, enjoy the picture of last year's pumpkin carving escapades. I will have a picture next time of this year's creation. It is a good one!


1 comment:

Moo said...

I enjoyed your blog today. Let me know how your social experiment works out. I should try it, and yet I won't because I'm a chicken.