
The Death of a Perfectly Good Pumpkin!

I guess it is what you get for making a snowman face on your jack o' lantern for Halloween: It melts! Yep, my pumpkin has seen better days. In fact, I am sure it is very sad to be seeing the bottom of the smelly dumpster instead of looking out on the eve of Halloween. It will miss the sounds, sights and smells of tomorrow night when the small children are dressed up as goblins, princesses and Spiderman. Sad, sad day for the pumpkin. Pretty sad day for me too, because I had to clean up the bacteria filled mess. There was a pool of pumpkin blood all over. I guess I will know for next year that I am not supposed to put pumpkins on top of shingles. I didn't figure it out til today that those shingles will heat up and kill perfectly good pumpkins! :(

I am tired and sick. Usually,I am tired and sick of school, but really I am sick. My little lovelies probably got me sick. I guess my immune system isn't used to ALL of their germs. My throat hurts and I am so very tired. Last night all I did was just sit in front of the T.V. for five hours and didn't move. Luckily, the Packers were on and it was a good game. I thought they had lost it but luckily they won the toss in overtime and Brett Farve threw a touchdown pass on the first play of overtime. Good game.

It is my Dad's birthday today. I called him and he had to pick on me about not sending him a card. He said all of his other kids actually delivered a present to him. I just made jokes and wasn't honest with him about really missing home this past weekend because everybody was there except me. Don't worry I was only weepy while typing that for a second. I am surviving it. I will get to be home soon enough. I really hope my brother can make it home during the holidays though. I guess we will see what happens.

Well, I better get home I have company coming over in about twenty minutes. Better do a quick clean up. Have a great day and protect your pumpkins, they really need their night of glory! :) I guess it is a good thing my ward didn't have a pumpkin catapult. My pumpkin would have probably disappeared before then!

1 comment:

MBC said...

In the sun he melted, melted, melted . . .

Sad day.