
2 Days 15 Hours and 8 Min

Three days of work. I can make it, right?

The kids raised over one hundred dollars for Sub for Santa and one of
the things they wanted to earn was me wearing a dress. Silly kids.
So, on Wednesday, I will be wearing one of the bridesmaid's dresses I
wore a few years ago (Morgan, I knew there was a reason I kept it!).
It should be interesting. I also am playing in basketball games
against the students that day and the games will be a good excuse to
not wear the dress too long! You all know how much I love dresses!
What happened to the girl who was supposed to be sugar and spice and
everything nice? (BTW there are some gingerbread man cookies that I
bought last week that have that saying on the bag, it makes me laugh
every time I reach into the bag to indulge.

Yesterday was a busy day full of yelling wraths about my mac not
allowing me to download video to my mp3 player and shopping. I
really need to quit buying myself Christmas presents. Oh well. My
friend Moo was in town and as I have said we are dang good with the
shopping. We even managed to squeeze quite a bit of shopping in even
when we had lots of things going on. It was our church Christmas
party last night. Good, free food and good company. Also, hilarious
talents. After the party we went to a pie party that a fellow
teacher and his wife put on. It was good times. I like having like
12 different pies to pick from. I had coconut cream and a bit of
turtle pie. Mmmm!

Then we stayed up far to late trying out my new 40 dollar surround
sound speakers. I just couldn't pass them up. Now, I truly will
never leave my apartment. TV is so good with good sound! I am sure
the neighbors are thrilled too! :)

Well, I really should already be in bed. I had great plans of going
into work early to get my test ready for tomorrow's Health class. Oh

Have a great night.
2 days 15 hours and 8 min until I get on that plane home! :) Who's
counting, again?


Morgan Hagey said...

Alice! That's freaking hilarious!

Anonymous said...

At least the dress is getting used-I look forward to pictures! Alice,
You must stop by and say HI before you leave tomorrow!~