
Christmas untraditions!

Happy Monday. Today flew by; seems to be a tradition in my life lately. It was a good day. I give it five stars (sorry about the star reference. In my mp3 player you can rate songs and then listen to your highly starred music. Five is the best a song can get).

I almost was unable to load my pictures onto the site today. That would have been a tragedy. (Btw: I am trying to get tragedy into the vocabulary of one of the two-year-olds in my life, I think all kids that age should know and use that word). I finally figured I could email my post, which has proven to be so very handy. I suggest blogger to anybody who wants to make an impact in the world. Even if that impact is only to be a time filler for people who are bored at work. You all know who you are!

I thought I would write about a few of the untraditions in my life these days. Okay, so I guess if I am doing things they really aren't untraditions. In fact, they could even become traditions if I am not careful. Actually, I may only have one untradition to talk about and it is the tradition of making gingerbread houses. I have helped make two of them in the past three days. I have never made a gingerbread house in my life up to this point. See, thirty years of untradition. I thought that the house I made today was definitely blog worthy. I like to call it my gingerbread trailer. I find it appalling that only nice homes are used as models for most gingerbread creations. I like that mine looks more like something out of the trailer park. Now, don't get me wrong I am not passing judgment on people who actually live in such parks. I am just saying most people don't grow up and say: “Man, I am looking forward to the time when I can move into the trailer park.” I think that when we are taking part in some of our "traditions" we should really step back and think to ourselves just how crazy these traditions can me. I would like to have been around when somebody was bored enough around the holidays to decide to make a house or winter scene out of edible delights. Maybe it is because they did not have DVR like I do and didn't have so much TV to catch up on. I think that is about all I will write about gingerbread houses. I may not be very good at making them, but I can appreciate other people making them. My family never got together and created these. We probably were too busy watching A Charlie Brown Christmas or something.

Maybe one day I will write all about my real traditions. I am too tired to do so now and must go watch Journeyman.
Later Dudes!

1 comment:

Moo said...

Yes. I do know who I am. I once built a gingerbread creation that I would classify as a lean-to. Granted, I started out with bigger and better dreams, but reality hit and so did my lack of talent in this area. Guess we could parallel that to life and all of the mortgage foreclosures