

Happy almost Friday.  I really like the end of the week.  I wish that all days could be Friday. Actually, I don't really because then we would not ever have weekends.  So, I take that back.  I like Fridays but we shouldn't have them everyday.  I do, on the other hand, think that we should have two day work weeks with a five day weekend.  I think there would be much less depression and the world would know more peace!  I think that is reason enough to change things, don't you?

Well, for Enrichment(a church event were the women of the ward get together and bond and grow!) tonight we had a fondue party.  Can I just say that I love cheese?  Melted cheese, fried cheese, sliced cheese, shredded cheese.  Really anyway that cheese could be prepared, I like.  We had some fantastic melted cheese. Well, it was kinda melted.  We used crock pots and really they do not keep the cheese hot enough to spread well.  But we made due.  We also had chocolate fondue, which actually would be considered candy by a lot of people, but I decided that it was melted and it was okay.  (I am not eating candy during the week; it is part of the new years resolutions.)

So, the fondue party was fun and that is the reason for the picture of a crock pot with chocolate in it.  There is one more reason for the picture.  One of my friends wanted to have some more delicious chocolate while we were cleaning up and you can see her finger strike in the chocolate.  Unfortunately for her finger, it was really hot and she burned the finger.  That explains the clump of chocolate on the right side(ouch, that is hot!).  The funny thing about this is that I actually had the same temptation to put my finger in that pot but thought it might be too warm and I checked out the temperature above the chocolate, and decided to not have anymore.  I really should have passed on that info to my poor defenseless friend.

Today was good.  We talked about abstinence in my Health Class.  I think it went well.  I did get picked on because I am a 30 Year Old Virgin and they think the movie 40 Year Old Virgin is hilarious.  I am totally okay with sharing that info with my students because I honestly feel they need to know that it is possible to live life without having sex prior to being married.  I also think they need to know why people actually choose to not have sex until they are married.  I am totally okay with that awkwardness! :)

Other than that, it was pretty much a typical Thursday.  I was tired, but I felt more sorry for another one of my friends because she only had two hours of sleep.  We were at her house until 12 playing the Wii and after we left she stayed up to plan a lesson for school and didn't go to be until 2.  Then her daughter was up at 4, so I can only imagine how tired she was today.  Can I just say I love the Wii?  I do.  It is so very fun.  Even when I get beat at baseball on the Wii it is fun and that is saying something.  I really am thinking that one day I will invest in one.  Too bad they are so hard to get.  Sigh!  

Well, enjoy your Friday.  Yea for the weekend!  

Those other two pics are of me and my new glasses.  The eyes behind the glasses are tired, so off to bed they go!  I guess I will bring the rest of me too! 

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