
Life Via The Magic Eight Ball!

I have recently decided that it would be interesting to carry a Magic Eight Ball around and make all my decisions based on what the ball had to say. I really wonder sometimes what my life would be like if I actually did this.

My question: "Should I wash my dishes?"
Magic 8 Ball's Answer: "Reply Hazy, try again."
My question: "Should I wash my dishes?"
Magic 8 Ball's Answer: "Signs point to yes."

The unfortunate thing about me and my little 8 Ball is that I usually don't listen to the first answer anyway. I just ask the question again and again until the ball gives me what I believe to be the right answer.

Question: "Should I go on a diet?" (thinking and adding the following: or will somebody find me irresistible eventually anyway")
Answer: "Yes---Definitely"
Questioning again: "Should I go on a diet?"
Answer: "My reply is no."

Much better!

Maybe I will experiment with making decisions based solely on what the ball tells me. Maybe just one day I will do it. By the way, I inherited this wonderful seeing the future tool from one of the former secretaries at work. I always would go into her office and ask questions about my dating life and if it were going to ever get better. She thought I was hilarious! She was very worried that I took what the ball said too seriously. She is a silly lady and I really do miss her!

Well, off to bed. I hope you enjoyed me ranting about one of my favorite possessions. I think I would add The Magic 8 Ball(by Mattel) to my list of things I would marry if it were a man!


Morgan Hagey said...

HAHAH! You're so awesome, I can barely stand it.

Moo said...

Thank you for adding the maker of the Magic 8 ball to your blog.