
I didn't know you could play tag on blogs!

I figure I better do this though because ,believe me, you do not want any Bills girls after you! :)

10 years ago...
I was in college in Rexburg, Idaho. My roommates would pick on me because of my Wisconsin accent whenever I would talk on the phone with my mother. I was taking a guitar class and as I was walking home from it one day, I slipped on some ice. As I was falling to the ground, I could only think about keeping my guitar safe, so I landed on my tailbone and was hugging the guitar. The unfortunate thing was that some of my friends were on the balcony of my apartment complex and saw the whole thing and were yelling and pointing at my misfortune. It is at times like these that you really find your true friends! :)

5 Things on my To-Do List Today:
1. Make dirt cake, it is Groundhog Day after all!
2. Ride my exercise bike, if I get enough motivation!
3. Finish cleaning my apartment
4. Watch the movie Groundhog Day
5. Read more of New Moon

5 Snacks I Enjoy.
1. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears
2. Tortilla chips with Salsa con Queso
3. Twix
4. Blow Pops
5. Cheese Its

5 Places I Have Lived (I'll be going from most recent on down)
1. Provo, UT (Right now)
2. Salt Lake City, Utah (the year I had no real job after college)
3. Logan, Utah (such a memorable and fun time of my life. I loved college)
4. Rexburg, Idaho (a really good year too!)
5. Wausau, WI (19 years of my life. All good times! Except maybe those awkward teen years!)
Five was just perfect for me because that is how many cities I have lived in!

5 Jobs I've had
1. Health/PE Teacher
2. Hotel Housekeeper
3. Counselor at a Day Camp for kids 7-12 years old
4. Waitress at Pizza Restaurant
5. I ran out of jobs because I am a slacker. I will put my next dream job down. Besides a Sports Journalist, I would like to be UPS Driver.

5 Things People Don't Know About Me...

1. I am very athletic (your probably knew that) but I suck at volleyball.
2. I am a Democrat. And seriously, I don't feel like I have to apologize for that!
3. I love pink, even though I used to hate it. (most people know that, I am trying to think of more but am drawing blanks)
4. I have kissed five guys. I think it may have been six but I can't remember. All of them were losers by the way. I have a knack for that!
5. I am very good at fixing stuff. I think that actually I would be a very good mechanic!

I really don't believe that I will have bad fortune if I don't tag three people like I am supposed to but I will try three friends anyway. Librarianpants, Sassi-Cassi, and Moo. Don't feel as if you have to participate in this silliness. I was just curious to see who, of the blogging world, would do this. IF I have not listed you, and you still feel like doing this, please do.

Not much excitement here as usual. Happy Groundhog Day. Sorry guys, he saw his shadow this morning. Six more weeks of winter. OH GREAT! I hate winter. Librianpants was right, she called it and we are all depressed now, aren't we?



The Wolford Family said...

EWWWWWWW Chocolate covered cinnamon bears????? Really????

to each her own!!!!

Morgan Hagey said...

Awww, thanks for doing it. :) I'm glad I tagged you!

Erin said...

I happen to very much enjoy the chocolate covered cinnamon bear. Don't knock it till you try it. I am sad that everyone seems to hate winter. It is just so pretty! And cozy. And snuggly. Plus there is skiing (STUPID ANKLE!) and snowmen and Christmas and New Year's and all sorts of other joy-inducing winter lovliness. Feel the joy. :-)

MBC said...

Dude--I would totally do my tagged duty, but I just did one of these that's almost exactly the same.