
Introduction to Alyssa!

The picture is of my friend Alyssa. I have learned a lot from this wonderful young woman in the past few months. She is phenomenal.

Today I picked on her a lot because I had to be her "designated driver" to get her to work. She has a pretty bad inner ear infection that makes her walk a little intoxicated. She decided that she shouldn't drive for a while. The funniest part about her walking is the fact that she keeps saying: "I am doing a lot better!,” which is usually said as she is headed directly into a wall. This is so very funny to me. Because Alyssa is a new friend, I am always worrying that I am being too mean to her when I am picking on her. She assured me today that if I knew her family, I would know that picking is totally okay.

Those papers in her hand are her divorce papers. I won't get into the details, but she is going through a rough break-up but she still is so happy and nice. She doesn't blame anybody and she is just looking toward the future. This is one of the things that makes Alyssa awesome. It took her a very long time to get those papers in. I think deep down she was hoping that the outcome could change but she has also realized that she won't be able to get what she wants, needs and most importantly deserves by staying with her husband. I looked at her today as we were wasting time at the end of the day at work and said: "I think it is a perfect time to go to the courthouse to deposit some papers." She agreed and I was proud of her. I think getting those papers in will prove to be a whole new beginning for Alyssa.

But enough about the sad thing in her life, which doesn't really make her who she is at all and onto the things that make Alyssa amazing. Alyssa is a Math teacher. And yes, because she is a Math teacher, she is a total nerd. The cool thing about her nerdiness is that she is totally okay with being a nerd. I think that is what sets us nerds apart and actually makes us cool. We know we are nerds and we embrace it! Alyssa is genuinely the nicest person you will ever meet. I have never heard her say a bad thing about anybody. She is a good example of being nice! She is funny too. It is cool that she can give back the picking as much as I can give it. She is also the mom of a hilarious 4 year old.

It is hard to know that in a few months Alyssa will move back to Las Vegas. I will really miss her. A cool thing has come out of all this though and that is the fact that I am realizing slowly that people come and go in my life. Each person leaves lessons with me and each person effects me. The key to all of this is to realize that these people make me better and that I should cherish each moment I do have with them!

I guess that is the point of this post. Seriously, most of you probably don't care about Alyssa because you don't know her, but I am sure that you have somebody like her in your life and you can appreciate how awesome that person is and that you should cherish the time you have with them!

I like all of you people too, and I am glad I have you to share my life with. Thanks for reading! :)

*Note* Alyssa and her daughter Alexa are the second A & A of yesterday's post. I finally asked her today if it was okay to blog about her. I am finally getting this whole blogging etiquette!


CassiLou said...

Alyssa don't go! I know our school will miss you emensley (sp.) I'm sure you have your great reason, but it still makes me sad.

Rebekah said...

the decision to divorce must be very difficult. you know you need to, but you still want to hold on and hope that things will change. she's very brave. kudos to A!