
Maybe this one WILL be QUICK!

Imagine, if you will, a person in shorts and a hooded sweatshirt riding a bike down a chilly bike path. The path curves alongside a tranquil river. There isn't much snow on the ground around the path, but the sun is slowly going down and it is getting colder by the minute. This person soon realizes that their legs are very cold and, in fact, that if they were to lick their bike, their tongue would get stuck. Thoughts of hypothermia set in and the person takes a shortcut back to their car!

Yeah, that was me today. I decided to enjoy the warmer weather and the sun by taking a bike ride. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea I have had this week but I couldn't resist. Don't worry; I did not get frostbite. Utah Lake was actually quite beautiful with all of the ice on top of it. I enjoyed my ride, even though it was cold! Maybe next time I will wear more clothes!


Moo said...

I'm so glad that you did not get frostbite. I think that you need to keep all of your appendages.

Rebekah said...

i think you should be more worried about the pollutants than the cold. utah lake, yick.