
Fun with Paper Dolls!

A friend recently posted about all the things she hates.  Today I am going to blog about one thing that I hate.  This would be the swimsuit issue of my favorite magazine.  I am not even going to mention their name because I get so angered by it.  

Anyway, I do not understand why it is okay to send this issue out to every person who subscribes to the magazine.  Seriously, I am sure not all people want this issue.  I know that when a school gets sent this issue they are not excited at all to have it on their campus.  

Do we wonder why so many girls have problems with body image?  Do we wonder why so many women have eating disorders?  Well, I personally believe that lots of these problems stem from the media's lack of sensitivity to this subject.  I believe that our society has such a skewed vision of what women should look like because of magazines like this.  

Every year, I want to have a bonfire when this issue comes, but I feel that would not be smart for the environment.  The worst part is that I always bring my recycling to work and I do not feel okay with bringing this magazine into our school.  Dang it.  So, the copy has sat in my closet for about a month.  I really wanted to spotlight a picture from it with some clothes inspired by a night of making paper dolls with little girls.  I wish my issue of this magazine would have come with more clothes like this.  I hope you enjoy the pirate girl in her coveralls.  I sure enjoyed making it.  I also hope you enjoyed listening to me rant about this subject.  Carry on now!


Rebekah said...

i have that outfit.

Erin said...


joanna said...

Amen is right. I agree that media is portraying less than 5 percent of the actual population when they show skinny, beautiful girls, and even then they are almost always airbrushed to fix any imperfections. Talk about lame!! That's why I don't read or look at any fashion/beauty/fitness magazines anymore. There was research done that says people actually feel worse after reading those magazines because they can never be exactly like the girls in the pictures.

Mel said...

When Steve had a subscription to said magazine, we called and asked them not to sent the particualr demeaning issue. They sent TWO! What the @#$%! Jerks!