
Too Late!!

It is 11:25. I have to be out of my house at 5am. Why am I still awake, you ask? This is due to the fact that I am the world's biggest procrastinator. I even have a shirt that reads: "Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow." I just got done packing and doing a few dishes so I will be ready to leave and so that my house does not smell like a bacteria barn when I get home. Good times.

The week has gone fast. Can I get the next five days to slow down? I am worried that my time in Iowa visiting family and friends will go much too fast. I think when I get back I will like my students more. It seems when I am able to vacation from them, they seem much nicer to me when I get back. Maybe that is because they hate having subs and really do appreciate me for about five minutes when I get back from being gone. Hopefully, they will not murder my sub but really it isn't my problem. I am out of town. Go me!

Well, short due to the fact that I must try to get a few extra minutes of sleep.


1 comment:

Erin said...

I hope you have the most excellent time in Iowa! I want to hear all about it when you return. Take copious notes. I want details. :-)