
Dam Tour!

Well, my time in Vegas in Dwindling. Tonight was the last night. I was glad that I got to see my friend, Lesley. I haven't seen her in about a year. It is weird when you all grow up and move far away from each other. It is fun to have friends that you never grow apart from, though. I am very lucky to have a lot of those kinds of friends.

Today we ventured to Hoover Dam. I liked to go around and just say dam. I liked the dam tour. I bought a dam t-shirt. I enjoyed my dam slushie. Things like that. It was fabulous. I never really went on a tour so that was a totally new experience. It is pretty cool to ride the elevator far below and go in the cool, literally cool, tunnels. I cannot even begin to imagine what it was like to build that dam. What an amazing feat.

I didn't ever think I would say this but I am sick of eating out. I feel like I have gained a million pounds the past four days. Yuck. I will be glad to go back to regular food. I will also be glad to be back in my own bed, even though I highly enjoyed having a bigger bed. It is always nice to go away but it is also always nice to go back home too.

Well, night all!


Morgan Hagey said...

How the freak is Lesley??? I haven't talked to her in FOREVER!

CassiLou said...

You've been tagged. Come check out my blog for the rules. ;)