
Fun Friday!

Besides being relaxing, today was a real fun day. I got to sleep in. (LOVE SPRING BREAK) I then went for a bike ride in Provo Canyon. It was the first such ride this year. I think that the canyon is one of my favorite places in Provo. The trail was great and it was even warm so I was out with just a t-shirt and shorts. GLORIOUS. I think I even got sun burned. Anyway, it was a wonderful experience to be back out there again. The picture is from a part of the trail that still had some snow thanks to a little avalanche. It was an adventure to hike over it dragging my bike along side me.

After riding, I went up to Draper to IKEA. I got a new coffee table and a new desk. I figure I can now purchase some cool coffee table type books. I also am excited to have the little desk that I plan on using solely for the purpose of writing. I need to do that more.

I went to Red Robin with a few friends in honor of Burger Friday. And then I played softball. We lost again, but really it was only by three runs and really I only play to wear socks as a wise friend said to me. I wore my new pink socks that go up to my knees. Man, softball really is an excuse to wear fun socks.

Well, that is all I got. I am having a better attitude about being back in Provo. :)

1 comment:

The Wolford Family said...

YEAH Bike ride!!!! Sorry about the snow run in!! You need to believe that some day it will be gone. Who knows when!