
My Anger Management Class Really Ticks Me Off!

Alice has been rageful the past few days. Here are three examples:

1. She was waiting for a friend because she was the friend's ride and it was taking too long. So she squealed her tires in disgust as she drove away leaving the friend behind.

2. She yelled at her 8th hour and told them that she does not get paid to monitor their conversations but rather to make sure they get some learning.

3. She almost lost it as a co-worker tried to keep her locked out of the main office.

Luckily, each of these rage experiences ended well:

1. She drove back to get the friend because she decided that the friend was not trying to get her mad but rather having a conversation. Said friend and Alice then went for a walk and had many epiphanies.

2. Alice made a seating chart for 8th hour to nip the problem in the bud tomorrow. She has threatened this 100 times so the frustration of the constant class disruptions is partly her fault.

3. She breathed and got over it.

I think when Alice does not sleep enough she gets crabby. Too bad it is midnight right now and she is still up blogging and not sleeping.

Funny ending story. Some punk kids at the grocery store were trying to be funny and put cough syrup right on my nice new loaf of bread. Because I saw them do it, I followed them with the cough syrup and when I caught up with them I said: "I think you forgot something." and slid the syrup toward them on the floor and it hit one in the foot. I just couldn't take teen not so funny attempts at humor at that moment. Idiots. I guess I am just full of anger lately. I have no clue why. I also have no clue why I wrote most of this post in 3rd person!


Anonymous said...

I think it's just spring and everyone has some swings.

Swing, swing, swing. That's a great line from one of our May concert songs.

So where are we running away to for a trip this summer.

Love MOM

Elizabeth said...

I too have caiught a little bit of the rage bug. Unfortunatly it has been directed at my kids which is not cool! I agree with your Mom about it being becausse of spring. We are finally in the spring months and yet for some reason it is not quite where I would like it to be warmth wise. My rage at that has to be directed somewhere, I think though maybe I should take it out in cleaning1 Yeah that would be better...but I feel so lazy too..sheesh...it never ends!
Have a good day!
Love, Elizabeth