
Ship 'em away!

I really have nothing today. It was cold and snowed today. I had no motivation to grade the huge amounts of papers I need to grade. I got the oil in my car changed. I told people a million times that there are only 4 days until spring break.

A funny moment from Health class today:

Alice: "So, who pays for the jails?"

Class: "The government? Your mom?."

Alice: "Who gives the government their money?"

Class: "I don't know, Jay-Z."

Alice: "The government's funding comes from taxes, so who pays for jails?"

Class: "The government? 50 Cent? Your Mom?"

Alice: "Citizens pay taxes, so in a way we all pay for jails."

Class: "That is gay. We should just ship them(criminals) to Cuba."

Alice: "Did you guys know that the English used to ship all their criminals away to Australia?"

Class: "They did, that is crazy. So really all the people in Australia are criminals?"

Alice: "Well, not exactly. Some may be but they weren't sent there. Most Australians probably have ancestors who were criminals."

Class: "That is so wack."

They then went on a five minute tangent about who knows what. I think it had nothing to do with violence and the cost to society. SIGH!


Moo said...

Did your class really think before they said to send the criminals to Cuba. I find it a bit ironic that they would suggest such a thing.:)

Erin said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! They should all be in debate. Judges love it when you say something is "wack". It's entertaining! Hey-when are we going to go to Su Casa? :-) Also, are you planning to come to Kelsey's dance concert this weekend? I find it odd that I am choosing to discuss this with you via your blog, when my phone is sitting right next to me. Weird.

Mel said...

I miss that school!