
Fists at 3:30 a.m.

Hi all. Today was a much better day. Sorry that the posts have seen a little down lately.

I didn't sleep well last night. (I know this seems like it will be a down post again, but I promise it isn't) At 3:30 I was suddenly awake. I didn't think much of it but then heard laughing from the children next door. This made me angry. Why are ten year olds awake at 3:30 a.m. Well, being as comatose and angry as I was, I got up and hit the wall really hard. At first, I thought I had started to bleed. Then after feeling the pain for a few minutes, I thought I had broken my hand. Luckily, there was no blood and I could still move my fingers. I guess I am not that wise at 3:30 in the morning. I have to laugh at myself because I yell at my students all the time for hitting walls and other objects when they get mad. I tell them that the wall will always win. I guess my own advice happened to me this morning. The wall won. I wish I had more of a war wound but it is only a little red, but it does hurt so that should count for something. Good thing is that the laughing stopped and I got back to sleep eventually. Another good thing was that I was reminded that there is a reason for my madness in moving. I will like not having to share any walls with neighbors. Yes, I know there has to be good neighbors somewhere in the world, I am just not feeling it right now.

Today I bowled, ate wonderful ice cream, talked with a friend who is moving and it was awesome as usual, talked to my friend whose mom is dying(it was nice to talk to her, she sounded a lot better than she did earlier in the week), I also had a much needed nap on my futon midday, and I was not very productive when it comes to the whole packing thing. Oh well! I am sure I will get some stuff done tomorrow. In fact, I can start moving stuff in tomorrow afternoon, even furniture if I want to. That will be good.

Anyway. It is late. I like summer though; I don't have to feel guilty for being a night owl!

1 comment:

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

Don't punch the wall!!!! KICK IT!!!