
Hiking the Y

I went hiking at 9 this morning. It was awesome. I didn't think it was that far to the big 'Y' on the mountain here in Provo, but it was. I liked the hike though. As you can tell by the pictures, we had a lot of fun and it was a nice day!

I also got to go to lunch with my friend, Elizabeth. She is real cool and loves to read my blog. She really wanted to get on the blog and kept saying "Is that going to be on the blog?" So, you made it Liz! I will put a picture of us on tomorrow, seeing I can't get my camera to connect to this computer. Have I mentioned that I hate Macs? Anyway, it was real nice to catch up with Elizabeth because she is so cool. I am so lucky to have so many cool friends in my life! We reminisced about how we used to steal things from each other. It started with Elizabeth stealing all my underwear, then I stole all her food. College times sure were good times! We went to Ricks together.

Well, it is late and I need to sleep. I will write more later. I did also get to go up to Sandy and watch a movie with Janette. It was nice to see her one last time before I leave. I hope she will come visit in Wisconsin!

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