

Pic #1: Me in Chicago airport. I hate Chicago's airport. I always get delayed there. It as only an hour but still, why does this airport have to be so retarded?

Pic #2: Me in pajamas on my bed in Wisconsin. Yes, I do have lots of lighthouses on the wall, it makes me think I am from the East but I am not. It is calming though.

It is good to be home. My family picked me up, we drove to Rhinelander, ate some pizza, mom and I bonded over pictures, I blogged, and now I will sleep. I hope you all are ready for some adventures this summer; I sure am!


Moo said...

I'm so glad that you finally made it home. I hope that you have a fabulous summer.

CassiLou said...

I can't wait to read about your adventures. Guess what?!? I got wii fit... IT'S AWESOME!! You'll have to come play with us when you get back to UTah.