
Little Alice!

Well, it has been an uneventful few days. Just chillin' as you should in summer, I guess. I decided to take my fun co-worker up on her tag. I hope you like the fun picture of little Alice(notice how I look just like my mom in the train picture from a previous post!). Little Alice was quite a character. She would always be carrying around a cat even though she was very alergic to cats. She also liked to go "Farmering" with her grandpa, which pretty much just consisted of chasing cats and petting baby cows; no real farm work was involved!

Here are the questions from Cassie:

1. What are some of your favorite memories of summer?

The Fourth of July is very special in our family. My grandpa(on Dad's side) loved this holiday. He would always have firecracker wars with the men in the family. I remember being woken up many Fourth of July mornings thanks to firecracker in the window sill of the room I was sleeping in. We stil honor him to this day by lighting firecrackers on his grave on the 4th. Sounds weird but it is a family tradition and I love it.

2. What are some of your favorite treats from your childhood?

Blue Moon Ice Cream for sure. It is actually blue and tastes like fruit loops and milk mixed. I also love Nerds candy and candy buttons. They were little pieces of sugar candy put onto paper. If you were lucky, sometimes you would even get a piece that didn't have paper still stuck to it.

3. Where was your favorite place to be as a child?

My favorite place would probably be the crabapple tree we had in our front yard. I used to spend hours up in those branches. Having crabapple fights were pretty fun too. My other favorite place was on our driveway playing basketball. I became quite a good shooter because of the hours I spent there.

4. If you could show your children a glimpse of your childhood what would it be?
Man, if only I had children to show a glimpse to. I think I would just have a fun time letting them know about all my adventures and how I really had a fun childhood and was able to be a kid. I don't think kids truly get to be kids these days! (I really want kids by the way. It is like a disease. I am always making faces at kids and trying to get their attention in public. I am sure their mothers think I am weird!)

Well, that is it for now. I need to find some motivation to do some work that I need to this summer. It is hard sometimes to be motivated!

1 comment:

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

Alexa asked me who it was in the picture. I said Alice and she said "oh thats Alice when she was little like me." What a cute little girl you were.