
Rollercoaster of a Day!

Happy summer to me. Funny how I think that because I am now on summer break I should have less stress in my life. Not so. Well, I did have a pretty good day. I stayed up in Salt Lake last night because I was sleepy when it came time to drive home. Driving and Drowsy do not mix. I then came back to Provo this morning and had breakfast with one of my friends and her little boy. It was yummy and nice because I did not see them in a while. I then went on a wonderful bike ride in the canyon. Note the beautiful pictures of the sky I saw along the ride.

Then came the low part of the day. I kept noticing that the apartment that I am supposed to be moving into was not having the carpet cleaned like it was supposed to. So, this evening I finally called my landlord in a bit of a panic, seeing Dish Network is supposed to come tomorrow and move my dish over there. I guess there was a major water leak, so I cannot start moving in tomorrow. The bad thing about that is that I am on a little bit of a time limit. Meaning, I fly out to Wisconsin on Monday. Hopefully they will figure out the problem and fix it so I have a few days to get moved...worst-case scenario, I have to box everything and have the landlord move me. Can we say awkward?

Another low point, one of my friend's mom is dying from cancer. For some reason, that made me cry and cry and cry this evening. I just am feeling very bad for said friend and her family. Life just sometimes does not seem fair at all does it? I think the hardest part of this whole ordeal for me is that I feel so helpless. Life is hard when we can't control things, huh?

Then there were good things again. One was a nice walk with my former roommate. She is so cute and so pregnant. We walked on the river trail and it was nice. I then went and watched A league of Their Own with Alyssa. That is one of my all-time favorite movies.

At least the night ended well, I guess. Now it is nearly 2 a.m. and I just feel like sleeping all day tomorrow seeing what I had planned on doing(moving) is not possible. Kinda bummed about that!

Let's hope things all work out! I guess my favorite quote will come in handy the next few days: "Things always work out in the end. If things aren't working out, it isn't the end."

Cheers to you(and I hope you are having a better day than me!),


Moo said...

The water thing could have been worse. You could have already had all of your stuff moved into the bungalow, and then it would be ruined.

P.S. The Wii Fit is fabulous. You should consider getting it after the WII.

CassiLou said...

My hubby bought wii fit as a suprise for me. I guess I should use it to get fit. Sorry about the water yuck. Atleast you know your landlord is honest and I don't think he'd mind too much to move you. I think they are pretty good peeps.