
Three Funny Things about Alice

1. When she goes biking, sometimes she is scared she will run into bears. She pedals much faster than usual and really doesn't enjoy herself.

2. She thinks it is funny that the only thing to prove she caught three fish today was that her hand smelt like fish. Crazy, funny and weird.

3. She likes Brett Favre and has been his fan for many season as a Packer fan. Right now she isn't a Favre fan. If you are going to say you are retired, just retire and get it over with. Do not come to the team you play for weeks before training camp and want to play again. Get a life. Go fishing or something. Let the team move on. I hope they trade him(not to a team within the same conference) and that he has a not so good season(I am trying to be nice because really I would love to see him injured during week one!)

There are lots more funny things about me. Cherish the ones you just read, though. It was a good day. Slept in, lounged around, went biking, fished, played trivia, lounged some more, worked, and now I will sleep again.


BloggingBills said...

I agree about the Favre thing! And your time in Wisconsin is almost done, and Im going to say Wahoo cause we miss you our here in Utah.

BloggingBills said...

Alice, just remind me that when I retire, to stay retired! I don't want to get on your bad side, I may get run over by a bus! :-)
See you soon!