
Corn and Church. A blog of Cs.

I love corn. I didn't love it as much yesterday as I cut and cut and cut it off the cobs in order to help my friend, Moo, and her family with their corn harvest. I did feel productive and helpful though, which is always an added bonus. I was also able to take 10 cups of corn to freeze and a dozen cobs. This corn really does taste fabulous. The kind you find in the grocery store is not nearly as neat. This stuff is fresh and fabulous. Okay enough about corn and onto the 2nd C, Church

Church today was interesting for me. I have been going back and forth on my decision on where to go now that I am over the ripe old age of 30 and have not found a mate, which in Mormondome means you may no longer enjoy the wonderfulness of singles wards. (These are congregations of single people aged 18-30, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Mormondome) Single people above the age of 30 are encouraged then to attend a family ward. Here is the thing with family wards in Provo, Utah: there are a lot of babies(real young "adults") who have babies. This sometimes is hard for a single person over thirty to be around because contrary to world belief, some people in their thirties may not be choosing to be single and not having a family. I happen to be one of these people who would rather be parenting than not. Anyway, it is kind weird to go to these family wards and be one of the sole single people who has not reaped the complete joy of getting married and having small children. The people there are still nice, but when the first question out of their mouth may be "Where is your husband?" it just hits the single soul a bit hard. I am glad that I attended the family ward I should be going to today because I have now reached the decision to not be Mormon anymore. JUST KIDDING! In Provo there is this funny singles ward that actually lets people over 30 attend. Some of the people at this ward are socially awkward and you can see there are reasons they have not been married yet, but there are some normal people there too who have just blossomed late. I fall into the last category! So, I think I need to just get to it and become a full member of the older single adult ward. Even though I may feel a little weird there and maybe even a little awkward, it pales into comparison to the loneliness I felt as I sat in church today. It is weird that you can be in a room with over a hundred people and feel completely alone. Weird.

Please do not get me wrong, I really do love my life. I have so many blessings in my life and I get to do so many fun things. I am just feeling that biological clock ticking these days and I really do desire companionship that can only come from a married relationship. I also believe that being single is much better than say marrying somebody completely wrong for me and who may in fact be scary and do things that would ruin my life. I have seen too many of my friends "jump" into marriage with the wrong people and have their lives ripped apart. I would rather be single my entire life than to be miserable with the wrong person. Aw, look how much Alice has grown over the years!

Anybody want to go to the Olympics with me in London in 2010? I don't think I can do it alone! :) That was a random question by the way. I am kind a random person.

Sometimes even in real life I feel random. I think conversation I have with friends is sometimes that way because basically I do much of the talking and they may not feel the need to talk so I randomly go on and on. Kind like my blogs I guess!

Well, I am off to see some of my favorite people in Salt Lake. They are some of my favorite people in the world as well..hehe. It will be a treat! Later.


Moo said...

We did five hundred ears after you left, for a total of about 900 ears. We were just getting started. It was lots of fun to have you down here. Thanks for all of your help!

Anonymous said...

I'll go to London--which sports will be there?


joanna said...

oooh, I remember the days when I would help our family friends with their corn harvesting/shucking/cooking/cutting. i had corn stuck in my hair and nails for days... but it was awesome.
anyways, i know how you feel about the whole single at church thing. After my divorce, I continued to attend my family ward for 5 months, and that was the worst 5 months in my whole life. well besides the other 15 months before. hah. don't let your situation get you down, things change, and usually when you least expect it:-)

BloggingBills said...

You could always commute up here and I'd put you to work!