

Creativity escapes me tonight. Okay, well maybe it escaped earlier tonight. I made a bunch of thank you cards for the girls I play softball with. Tuesday night will be our last game. :( Making the cards is where all my creativity went today.

It was a pretty low-key day. Just worshipped, finished the 2nd year of Harry Potter, ate, made cards, joked around with my sister, and here I am now. I probably should sleep. There is a lot of fishing to do tomorrow. I have work to do but, really people, I only have three days left in Wisconsin, there is always time for work later. FISH FISH FISH!

Enjoy the picture of me chilling in my room. Very exciting life here in Rhinelander, WI.

1 comment:

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

Do you know what you are doing for Labor Day yet? I want to go to Zion!!!!