
Work, Work, Work...

Hi.  I am officially back at work this week.  Actually, I am officially at work right as I type this!  

Yesterday, we had a great opening meeting as a staff here at IHS.  I even got to lead an activity.  We did "If You Really Knew Me..." as a staff.  It was completely awesome.  I feel so connected to the people I work with, even the newest members of the team!  If you were to ask me a year ago to lead something for the whole school, I would not have done it.  I am really liking this new Alice.  I really was changed for the good back in July at Next Step training. (see previous blog about Challenge Day, if you are totally confused!)  I also am in charge of the Junior Advisor Team.  We call ourselves The Top Ten because our kids will graduate in 2010!  Today, I will get to see some of the kids in my Leadership class and I am pretty excited about that.  It really doesn't seem like we are back to school until I actually am able to interact with my students!  We got a lot of work done yesterday including planning an outing to a museum to learn about Da Vinci!  My team rocks!

I stayed at work until 6pm.  It is always humorous to me that I will stay and chat with other teachers until later in the evening.  We really don't have lives.  It is nice to be back with my friends!

Janette and I watched the Olympics on her HUGE flat screen TV last night.  I keep telling her that this TV really could be a man magnet.  She just needs to start picking up nice looking men and taking them to stand in front of her TV.  I am sure within about 5 seconds there would be a marriage proposal!  It still is so fun to watch Michael Phelps swim.  He is just amazing.  Talk about a fish!  I would marry him, if he asked!  It is good to have imaginary boyfriends to cheer on during the Olympics!

Well, I don't really have anything else.  Please remember to recycle and to smile, it keeps people wondering.  Not the recycling:  you will just be considered a green person.  Smiling, on the other hand, will make people wonder!

1 comment:

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

I wish I was there. (Actually I am getting really excited about my school here.) We had a good meeting today and I am really excited. Today someone found out what I was teaching and she used to teach it and was like good luck. They never come to class and they all fail. So now I know it wont be too big of an adjustment. I am going to love it.