

As you know, I am a huge The Office TV show fan. Well, there are a lot of others at work as well. One of our counselors put the letter seen above on my desk a few days ago. During one episode, Jim sends Dwight a fax warning him of impending danger. Hilarious. During my 4th hour, the kids would only say the words: "Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica." I knew what was going on pretty early and it was very funny. I liked that little prank.

They also tied up a co-worker and then flung him into my classroom. The video is of that. I wish they had taped me, but you take what you can get sometimes.

I am glad the week is over. I will be heading down to St. George with the Bills in a bit. Youngest sister is going through the temple tomorrow and getting married next weekend. I am in for a few busy weekends!


CassiLou said...

I wish I had been there to see your 4th period class. I heard rumors of what might've happened. I'm glad it worked! You are awesome Alice! Thanks for playing along!

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

Wish I was there