
If you really knew me...

I did this during third hour today.  I made my students do a silent "If You Really Knew Me..." for two minutes and this is what I typed:


 You would know that I struggle with my third hour .

You would know that I get tired of yelling at them

You would know that for a while I gave up on "challenging"  them because they complained too much.

You would know that I know it is more than just not wanting to share feelings but that it is hard to share feelings.

You would know that I haven't been living up to the challenges I made for myself in July at Next Step, but I really want to turn around

You would know that I have great days when I decide to have great days.  Attitude is everything.

You would know that I really want all of my students to succeed but I don't know how to do it and that makes me really sad and disappointed.  What is the secret answer?

You would know that I am glad I was able to do if you really knew me because I missed it.

If you really knew me you would know that I hate to cry in front of people and it is always easier to keep that in and be tough but I have learned that that doesn't help me.  I need to cry sometimes.  I wish we would teach people that it is okay so that when people were crying they wouldn't be judged as weak or weird.

You would also know that I wish more people around me would actually be more real about their emotions because I know there are people in my life who are hurting real bad but won't reach out for help and I want to be there for them but it is hard when they won't reach out and admit that there are things that hurt.

You would also know that this has been the best start of a school year I have ever had because I have chosen to make it good.  Each day I try to figure out who I can reach out to and help and I LOVE all of my students,  even those ones who get under my skin and make me want to throw things!  I am so glad I have found this key to make it through every day because life is hard but so worth it!  Yipee!!!!!

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