
Pizza, Alisha, True Aggies, and Pumpkins. What a Good Life!

Went up to Logan this weekend for The Pumpkin Walk. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the fun. I made MB and Alisha got to my favorite pizza joint as always. The Factory is superb. We then went to the Pumpkin Walk. I love that; I guess that is why I go every year! We then hung out at our hotel room on campus and waited for midnight to watch all the Utah State students try to become True Aggies by kissing somebody by the "A" next to Old Main. It was a fun thing to watch. I am not yet a True Aggie. Maybe one day!

What else? This weekend I kinda just hung out in my apartment for the rest of it. It is Monday morning and I have no motivation to get in gear. I should be leaving but am still in my slippers. I guess I better get to it. Good thing we have no students today. I do not have my A Game on today! Sorry this is a bit shorter. I hope you all are getting educated and are going to vote next week. I am excited to see what will happen. History will truly be made. My vote doesn't really count in Utah. Hopefully in your state, if you are out of Utah, people are more educated and don't just vote straight party. I hate that! Enough of my complaining! Later.

1 comment:

Morgan Hagey said...

You look colder this last weekend than you were down here... just sayin'... ;)

Looks like a blast, see you on FRIDAY! (I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited...)