
whole lotta stripin' going on

spent most of the day on the strip with Morgan and derek and the cutest boys on the planet. We Did some shopping and saw the fountains. Do know that there will be a lot of pictures and one cool video to come. That is the only down to my toy, it does not have uploading capability. See Morgan's blog again for pics. She is being a dilegent blogger while I have been in town. Henry said something cute at McDonald's today while eating a Sunday. He said: "mom my stomach is cold" cute.

Tonight I am staying with the Browns. You remember Alyssa and Alexa. Alyssa used to teach Math with me at Independence. Her family is cool and nice. Too bad Alyssa had some sort of alergic reaction after dinner. We did not get nearly enough Guitar Hero in. We did get to play hide and seek with Alexa which was hilarious. Have I mentioned that I love kids? Three year olds are so cute and funny.

I have no concept of time. I thought it was Saturday today. I am glad it is not because vacation always goes too fast. Well off to sleep I have some soccer and gymnastics to watch tomorrow.

P.S. Just for reference the ruben I had there other day came from Jersey Mike's not Jersey Joe's

1 comment:

Moo said...

Don't forget to get more pints while you're down there!