
Winter Already?

We got this cool tile from our retreat. I like it!

Hi. It is cold here right now. I have had the heater running the past few days. It is weird. Mentally, it is not time to be cold yet. Luckily, this little storm will be moving through and we will warm up again next week. I am not quite ready for winter, but it was pretty to see some snow this weekend.

Friday night I went with my friend, Kerri, to our Relief Society's retreat up in Kamas Utah. On the way we got some wonderful shakes at Granny's in Heber City. We got there just in time too, because they were closing ten minutes after we got there. We then headed to the cabin where the retreat was. Luckily, we found one of the members of our bishopric who was also lost because we could not find our way. The directions we had cut off about five steps in the directions. We got to the gate(it was like a gated community of cabins, odd) about five minutes before they would have locked us out. NICE. It was a nice time in the cabin. I got to know a few more of the girls in my new ward. The Relief Society President talked for a bit as well as the wives of two of the counselors in the bishopric during a little spiritual program. It was a great message about having a good attitude based on the scriptures in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 in the Bible, which reads: Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God concerning you." That is a great bit of counsel and I really have been thinking about this concept a lot lately. Really, we are here to "rejoice." I truly believe that our Heavenly Father has put us here on this earth in order to find joy and be happy. I also know that this does not come unless we decide to be happy. I have noticed in my life that attitude is indeed everything. If I choose to have a good day, then I will have one. If I chose to look on the positive, then life is good. If not, the opposite happens. I am not saying that I am perfect at this but so far this year, I have been having a good time with my students because I have adjusted my attitude a bit. Being thankful is also a part of this. Dwelling on what we don't have breeds negativity. Being happy with what we have and being thankful for the small stuff helps us stay positive. It was nice to have this reminder while up in the beautiful mountains of Kamas.

When we woke up the next morning, there was snow gently falling. It actually was very pretty. I was only worried about the driving in the snow so we didn't stay too much longer. It wasn't too bad to drive in but it was predicted that there would be a foot of snow in that area later that day. It was weird to get the snow brush out and I don't know why. I guess it isn't too strange for snow to come in October. Maybe time is just going really fast for me and mentally I am back in August. Luckily, the snow did not stick here in Provo. I can handle cold but I need a little while more to mentally prepare for snow! Like Kerri said though, I really need to find the positive in snow. I guess it is nice because it actually brings us water in the spring and helps us not have droughts next summer and it really is pretty to see it falling! I guess you can find the positive in everything. I will have to work on it to find the positive in the little leak I found in my hot water closet this morning. That is still hard. It is okay though because it wasn't too bad. Just a little water on my floor and vacuum. It could have been worse I guess.

This next week of school is only three days long. We have Fall Break on Thursday and Friday. I am heading down to Vegas to hang with some friends. I am looking forward to a fun break. It will be relaxing and needed!

Well, I hope you are having a fabulous Sunday. I am off to get ready and go to church.

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