

Today I started my novel again. I am participating in National Novel Writing Month. Basically the goal is to write a 50,000 word book in 30 days. If you want to learn more about the program see this site: I have 1700 words typed today. I think I have to write about 1667 words a day to get the whole thing accomplished this month. So far, so good. I am informing you of this in order to give myself a bit more of a push to get it done. When you talk to me this month, ask how the novel is coming. I need the pressure. It is going to be hard to give myself enough time each day to write. It will be interesting to see how the novel turns out. It isn't meant to be perfect, in fact, the program is set up purely to get quantity. I am excited for it. If any of you want to read the novel I will email you a copy of what I have so far. Let me know if you want it! You are amazing people and thanks for being you and liking me! Night!


Morgan Hagey said...

I am finishing mine this month. I am determined, and of course I want to read yours.

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

good for you!!!