
Break Starts!

Friday was an eventful little day. It was the last day of school before Winter Break. We had a good time during our half day of school. The only class I had was Leadership. I really do love my students. Aren't they cute in their new sweatshirts? Each year it is a tradition at our school that our students are gifted a sweatshirt. For many of the students, it is their only present for the holidays. I really like the design this year. It is actually a zip up which is awesome. It is also not Navy like the twenty other sweatshirts I own.

After the students wrote some letters to former students who now serve in the military(also a tradition at our school), they then headed to the gym or cafeteria for some fun activities. I was over the basketball tournament in the gym. The students could also go watch a movie or play games. It was a fun time.

Then at 11:30 the kids went home. I went to lunch with some of my co-worker friends. At 2, we played a basketball game. We lost and only scored 3 points. It is turning out to be a frustrating season so far. The boys' team won though so that was good.

Last night, I got to go to dinner and a movie with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a few months. It is weird that you can live minutes away from somebody and not see them for months at a time. It was good to catch up.

I saw Four Christmases, which turned out to be a good movie. It is pretty funny. I didn't really love the morals that were taught at the beginning but it was an entertaining movie. I am hoping to watch a few movies while home too. There are always good ones out over the holidays.

Today, I got to sleep in which was glorious. I haven't been doing much of that on Saturdays thanks to basketball. I am about to get ready to head to the school to work on the sewing projects. It should be thrilling. I head out in two days and I am excited. Have a great Saturday!


Moo said...

I hope that you had a safe trip back home and beat all of the nasty weather!

Alyssa Brown Torres said...

yea!!!! They finally got their zip up hoodies like they thought they were getting last year!