
Free Dinner is Definitely a Highlight

Time seems to be going very fast this past week. Tomorrow is already Thursday. Fantastic.

I think today will be summed up in a list. Here is what happened today:

1. Woke up at 5. I usually get up at 6:30, but because I went to bed early last night, I think my body decided it had the normal amount of sleep an hour earlier.

2. Got ready for work. The usual: shower, read scriptures, eat Frosted Mini-Wheats, watch Sportscenter.

3 . Went to Smiths to get eye drops. One of my eyes just freaked out this morning.

4. Drove to work. It takes about three minutes to do so, I am very glad for that seeing I was late, late, late.

5. Taught for seven hours. I like my kids this year. Highlight was my Boys' PE class. They were so very funny today. I don't know how to explain it. They were just silly and funny. Two in the morning humor explains it. Low point was when one of my students came to get work to take with him because his step-dad had died of a heart attack earlier in the day. My heart went out to him. He is one of my favorite students. He reminds me of my nephew Kris! I told him that he seemed to be taking it well but I thought he was just keeping his real emotions in because he was a boy and he said that was true. I then asked him if I could give him a hug and he said, "please." It was cute and sweet.

6. Exercised with a student. Two of my students and I have been doing the P90X exercises. We worked our arms and shoulders today. It was intense.

7. Went to the Provo Temple. I had a hard time focusing. I was sleepy for the first part and then I really had to go to the bathroom because I had drunk lots of water after exercising.

8. Went to Smokehouse for pizza and macaroni. It ended up being free because they burned our pizza and it took a long time to get the second ones cooked. Nice! MBC was with me.

9. Came home and talked with my friend, Marla, from back home. We are very excited for the holidays and being able to spend time with each other. I also called Kerri and we chatted for a few minutes. I really do have great friends.

10. Checked Facebook and blogged. Exciting isn't it?

11. Now I will head to bed. I like my bed!

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