

"Hi....Happy Midweek!" I say that a lot to my classes on Wednesdays.

Today was kinda Blah! Just another day. I worked and that was cool.

After work, I worked on some sewing. I am making my family their Christmas gifts this year. I have not sewn since 8th grade. It is pretty much an exciting and new experience. I am getting better as I go, which is good. In the time it took me to do three projects tonight, the home ec. teacher finished about seven. Crazy. Slow is good though. With each stitch, love is pouring intp these presents.

Tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conferences. This means it will be a really, really, really long day for me. Sometimes it is boring because not many parents show up. I have plans to set up a sewing machine in the weight room so I can sew in between visits.

Not much else here. I think that will be it for now. Only 11 days and I fly home. YIPEE!!

1 comment:

Morgan Hagey said...

I am loving the visual of you, in the weight room, sewing.

SO funny.

Henry keeps asking if you're coming when Granne and Papa come. Sad.