
Two Days!

Well, well, well, here you are reading my blog again. I am picturing you sitting by a warm fire with hot chocolate in one hand and the computer right next store. It is finally winter. We have been having some wonderful warmer weather the past week or so. I have loved it. There was no snow here until this past Saturday. Now it is cold, cold, cold. I pretty much just feel like shutting down and laying on my couch under a blanket in front of the TV every night.

I did managed to convince a couple friends to go out into the cold with me on Monday night and partake of the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake. It was so fun. I love that place, even if there are less lights than usual this year. My ward had a little get together with hot chocolate and donuts. I still don't know many people in the ward so it was awkward as always but it was well worth it to have some yummy hot chocolate and donuts.

We had our work party yesterday. It is weird to think that it is almost Christmas. I really keep thinking that it is still November. It is weird. Time is going by very fast these days.

Tomorrow is the last day we have real classes. Then on Friday we have our traditional half day where the kids go to their leadership class to start the day and write letters to military personal. Then they go and play in the gym and other areas of the school and then get sweatshirts as their Christmas gift(which to some of them is the only present they get) and then they head home. I like that day. We also have basketball games that afternoon. It will be a good day.

It really breaks my heart that these kids don't have stuff and really often don't even look forward to break because of it. One of my basketball players actually got caught shoplifting because she wanted to have presents for her family. It breaks my heart! I wish I were rich and could give them presents. Oh well. I guess the love will have to do it!

Well. Off to finish laundry. Have a great day or night!

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