

I arrived safely into Salt Lake City Thursday night. Funny how coming back seems to always go easily, but going doesn't. Weird.

I had a great break and enjoyed seeing my family and so many of my friends. Like I always say, I am surrounded by wonderful people all the time.

Yesterday, I fooled myself by thinking that I would go into work and get some grading done. Yeah right! I did go into school and managed to pick up the work that needs to be graded.

I guess it wasn't a total loss of a day though, because I was able to organize my clothes drawers and make a pile of clothes to get rid of and I also unpacked.

Last night, I had dinner with the famous Janette and then we watched the 24 Movie which is a preview of the upcoming season.

Today Janette and I have plans to drive to Park City and hit the outlet mall, but it did snow last night and the roads may be a bit icy. Janette is supposed to drive so I am thinking we may not go. If I were driving, we would go, seeing I am a skilled winter driver.

Tonight, I really should get some grading done. Slacker pants here is having a hard time being motivated. I really have a desire to watch The Holiday. I love that movie and probably will end up watching it. See how exciting my life in Provo really is? Don't be jealous. I need to find something in the future to look forward to or it is going to be a long, long January and winter.

Well, off to ready myself for a trip to PC, or at least I hope I will be going! I need some new basketball shoes for work. Thrilling again, eh?



Morgan Hagey said...

Welcome home! I missed you by a mere 12 hours. Bummer.

joanna said...

Glad you got back safely. That's true about somehow the trip home goes smoothly, but never the trip going somewhere. ARGH!! I just hope my trip next weekend goes smoothly!

I support you watching "The Holiday", it's my favorite movie lately. I hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Miss you.

I really didn't like the missed three days on your trip here.

I still have not conquered the walgreens photo site.

There should be kindergarten for adult computer wantabees.

Moo said...

Yeah! Glad you made it back. If I would have known, I may have called as I was up your way today.

dancinthan said...

Glad you made it home safe! I don't know the movie the Holiday. I'll have to check it out. Now I have something to look forward to: )