

I sit writing this from my first hour PE class. They are so good when
they are playing badminton. Sometimes I even get pretty bored.

I seem to not have gotten around to writing lately. Part of this is
due to the season premiere of 24. It was two hours both Sunday and
Monday. Then last night I was at a friend's for dinner and games. Time
seems to escape me. I am meaning to write my annual New Year's letter
but have not even gotten to that yet.

Someone mentioned the other day that my posts are sometimes "too
long." I basically told that person to take a hike. Just kidding.
Seriously people, you do have the choice whether you follow this blog
or not. Length is totally up to the blog writter. I was just going to
post the word "whatever" to help said person get through the blog
easier but then I decided not to. I also contmplated writing the
longest post ever but that would take too much energy today. And
really I do not have all that much to say. Please do not take any of
this seriously Sharri. I love that you read my blog and I am also glad
to have you in my life!

I hope everybody's Wednesday is full of surprises unless you don't
like surprises then I hope it is full of predictability. Until next time.


dancinthan said...

I too spent 4 hours of my life watching 24. I thought I loved the show, but it is a time sucker. Aunt C

Moo said...

I agree with you on the blog length. No one is forcing anyone to read your blog. Have a fabu day.

Anonymous said...

Don't change a thing.

I like long, short or in the middle.

I love being able to share your life so easily.

I just miss them when they are not here.

Love MOM

Elizabeth Peterson said...

I like your blog do it how you want! Kefford and I missed sunday nights episode and have mon on our DVR. We are waiting to find it online. So we can watch them both!

The 5 browns said...

Oh Alice. I am sorry that I complained about your blogs being long. I don't get to read them everyday, so when I do, I have to catch up for 2 ro more days. You are so good at blogging everyday. I seem to blog only when really important things happen in our family. Do you read my blog?