
Last Assembly

Yesterday was our last assembly at school. It was fun to just have all the kids in one room for the last time. I still am having a hard time thinking that we are almost done with school. Where has my life gone? Weird. Don't get me wrong, I am glad it is almost summertime. I do love this time of year; it just feels like it has gone WAY fast this year.

I have a lot of grading to do before grades are due. I am going to head to school soon and get some of that done! I also have a lot of cleaning to do at school in order to check out. I do not look forward to that any year, but this year may prove to be more of a challenge because I am not sure where I am supposed to store all my stuff because of the new issue of shared space thanks to us absorbing two other programs! SIGH.

I have been frisbee golfing quite a bit these days. I think I got sick of biking. I know weird, huh? And have been interested in golfing. I actually do a lot of jogging while playing because I throw the disc and then "chase" it. Wow, I just sounded like a dog there for a min.

I teach a lesson in Relief Society at church tomorrow and am a little nervous about it. I hope it goes well!

Well, just enjoying having a long weekend. I hope you all are doing the same. Remember to check out the video of my Principal and Vice Principal dancing at the assembly below!

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