
Whoa....it's Thursday already!

I woke up this morning and thought it was Wednesday; it is actually Thursday. That never happens. If I wake up and think it is a different day, it is usually Friday and I think it is Saturday and then I am very disappointed by the fact that I have to get up and get ready.

Yesterday went very fast, obviously. School is just flying by right now. I better sit back and just enjoy my students and my school because it really is going to be so different next year. SIGH. I played frisbee golf again yesterday afternoon and it was very fun. I went alone and jogged between throws. Good exercise!

I then just hung out at home. Unfortunately, I could not watch much on TV because my whole DVR got erased yesterday. I also lost my phone at one point during the day(don't worry I found it again). I was thinking that was probably karma getting back at me for winning that awesome trip. The universe is hopefully even now and today will be a great day.

I am very tired but need to go and get ready to face the day. Hope all is well for you all. Have a great day!


Elizabeth Peterson said...

How did all your DVR erase? Is it something I need to be worried about? I think losing your phone might just be an Alice thing. Didn't you "lose" it when I was with you? :)

Alice said...

well when I turned it on to watch Sportscenter(yep, I bet that is no surprise that I watch that everyday!)a message came up that told me my hard drive was corrupted and that everything would have to be erased. I couldn't to anything but press select. It is okay though. we needed to see the last three episodes of House and enjoy this full season of The Office? SIGH. I did get an extra 50 hrs of DVR space so maybe it was just to put that update in. Who knows?

Erin said...

Alice: are House or The Office on Hulu? Isaac watches TV shows all the time on that site...worth a shot, I guess.