
Lost Voice and Such!

I haven't had a voice since last Thursday night. I think I yelled a little bit much at the Kelly Clarkson concert. It was awesome. See the video below that I made in the Minneapolis Airport on Friday. It is pretty entertaining.

I went to Wausau today to get some direction on the tooth issue. The dentist told me to get an appointment with a specialist to get it done which will cost $1200. Yeah just pocket change, isn't it? I am debating whether or not I should just get the tooth yanked and then deal with an implant later on. Sigh...it is hard being an adult sometimes.

I was able to visit with a few friends while in Wausau today. I brought lunch to my working friend, Marla. She works from home which is convenient because she can stop and have lunch with me easily. I then went and visited with Kim and her little family. She has a way cute new baby but I couldn't hold her because I have this weird cough(I think it is my body getting my voice back to normal but I didn't want to chance it being a cold or something). It was blast just hanging and playing with her three year old and chatting. We also watched part of "The Bachelorette." I am addicted. Her husband, Jesse, also taught me how to drive a four wheeler tonight. It was a blast.

The Summer of Fun is just that, FUN!

**The battery on my camera is dead, so I will add more Kelly pics tomorrow. Man, I have been putting that off and off!

1 comment:

J.B. said...

Lucky you. My lesson in learning how to drive a four-wheeler left me with marks that I'm still recovering from.