
Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Rolly Polely Fish Heads

Warning***there will be a picture of a dead fish head in this post.

My friend, who graciously lets me stay with her in Wausau when I play late softball games, thought that my blog needed a special tribute to Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. In order to do this, she had this Michael Jackson stuff all displayed on her dining room table for when I arrived. I found it quite funny. You should hear my dad talk about Michael Jackson. He sure is sick about all the hoopla. I liked Michael. I thought he was kinda a freak in a lot of ways but I will always treasure his music and the memories of my life it brings back. The era of Moonwalking, will never get old! :)

Now onto Farrah. Apparently, I do not remember anything about Farah except that she was famous. I pretty much have a horrible memory and she didn't make the cut. I am sure if you asked my brother about her, you would get a totally different response because of the whole sex symbol thing. Yada Yada. Marla and her sister loved Farah, though. In fact, they would fight over who would get to sit on that bean bag, so their mom had to set a timer so they could take turns. Kids are funny.

Random dream: I had a strange dream about being a director of a play that had like 100 little kids in it. I didn't ever show up to the practices and another adult pretty much was the director but he gave me all the spotlight. It was weird. Thanks for coming to support me though Bills family. You were all there and Oliver was six months and walking and talking. Weird.

I went fishing yesterday and caught this......

Funny thing about sticks is that they don't put up much of a fight and really are pretty heavy at the end of the fishing pole. I have come to the conclusion that artificial lures are not for the birds and especially not for fish. Next week will call for nightcrawlers.

Here is a picture of the only thing resembling a fish I have seen since fishing a few times since being home. It is gross so if you don't like fish or dead fish on the shore you should skip the next picture. If you are all about the gore of life...enjoy!


joanna said...

i must be into gore and all of that because i enjoyed that last picture:-) you'll catch a fish next week, i'm positive:-)

Morgan Hagey said...

I'm sure you would be a fabulous director. And Oliver isn't even three months old yet and he's already walking and talking, and speaking russian. He's a genius.

BloggingBills said...

Did we like your play? We like every play our kids direct. So we know your play would be super.

I can attest that Oliver does speak fluent Russian (trust me I KNOW my Russian). He's a little shaky on English though. Give him a month or so.
