

I am pretty tired right now. That is weird seeing I just slept. Must be this whole: I just had a tooth yanked out of my jaw yesterday. All went well, there is no cracked tooth where it once was and fifty percent of my tooth problems have now been taken care of. I will still have to have a root canal sometime when I get back out to Utah. Lucky me!

I do have to say I was very glad that I had the nitrous oxide, even if it was also a very weird experience. I remember sitting there and actually being pretty conscious. I could hear what the doctors were saying but at the same time it was as if I was hearing them a few seconds after they had spoken. Everything they said just after I started the drug seemed very funny but at the same time I kept thinking: "Wow, do they know that they aren't very funny?" I also would go on "little vacations" during the procedure and then come back and notice things like "oh, they must have just gotten my tooth out," or "wait, they are drilling, maybe they don't have my tooth out." Then I went away for a while and came back and realized that they were putting the stitches in. It was a crazy weird journey and the whole time I was thinking to myself: "I still don't know why people would want to be in some weird state due to drugs." Seriously, it was not my favorite experience but I was glad I really wasn't totally there for the whole pulling of the tooth experience because it probably was pretty traumatic!

Here are some pictures from this past weekend. My aunt and uncle visited from Green Bay. It was nice to have them here. We had a pretty low key weekend and didn't do much but lounge around the house, which was nice. I wish I would have taken some pictures of them but I am a picture slacker sometimes.

Awesome Pie:

Yummy rootbeer that I had with some fab pizza:

My mom and I played ladder ball after dinner on Sunday. She is getting pretty darn good. We do this quite often in the summer! I love it:

This is a pretty cool picture where I actually caught one of the balls mom threw in midair:


Elizabeth Peterson said...

ladder ball looks way fun! I have never played that before. Is it hard?

Moo said...

Nice pictures. Glad that you survived the first tooth ordeal. BTW, are you doing anything the weekend of Sept. 12?

BloggingBills said...

Rita, I've never heard of ladder ball until I read your blog. Based on the pics it looks fun. When you get back let's introduce it to Utah. Can you buy it our here? Why haven't I ever heard of it? I must live a pretty sheltered life these days! Speaking of Utah, when will we see your smiling face out here again?
Love ya,
UT Dad