
Another First Day of School.

I went back to work today. It was nice to have so many people excited to see me. Lots of students were happy to see me and many of my co-workers were also happy to see me. It was nice. It did make me pretty darn tired though.

I made myself wash some dishes before I let myself play Guitar Hero tonight. I think it will be a good motivator, if I keep making myself do stuff before I can play. It is really sad that I am addicted to a video game and I am 32 years young.

I don't have much else to say. So there you have a very short post!


Elizabeth Peterson said...

I am addicted to the TV and when that is not around to books. So don't beat yourself up over guitar hero. I have to make myself do things around the house before I turn on the TV. That is a healthy and great way to reward yourself!

Erin said...

I'm glad you made it back to work and are surviving! I have to "reward" myself for chores too-otherwise I'd just read and sew all the time and our dishes would begin to evolve their own lifeforms...

BloggingBills said...

Okay, just get your younger brothers to work before play and I'll be excited.
Yer other MA